Oxford Laser Clinic


01865 980356

Oxford Laser Clinic


01865 980356

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Laser Tattoo Removal

Find out why we are the go- to company for laser tattoo removal in the Oxford area.


Laser Tattoo Removal

Find out why we are the go-to company for laser tattoo removal in the Oxford area.



Laser Tattoo Removal

Find out why we are the go-to company for laser tattoo removal in the Oxford area.




A Few Words About Us...

At Oxford Laser Clinic, we understand that every tattoo tells a story, and sometimes those stories change. With a passion for helping individuals reclaim their skin's natural canvas, our team of highly skilled professionals combines cutting-edge technology with compassionate care to deliver exceptional tattoo removal services. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, we strive to provide a safe, effective, and comfortable experience for each client.

Whether you're seeking complete tattoo removal or fading for a cover-up, we're dedicated to empowering you on your journey to a tattoo-free future. Trust us to erase the past, so you can embrace a brighter tomorrow.

A person is getting a tattoo removed from their back.

Speak To Our Specialists Today...

Speak to our laser tattoo removal specialists today and take the first step towards achieving the clear skin you desire. Our dedicated team of experts are here to listen, understand your unique needs, and provide personalised solutions tailored to your specific situation. Whether you're looking to remove an unwanted tattoo or simply seeking advice on the process, our specialists are committed to guiding you through every step of the journey with care and expertise.

Don't let your tattoo hold you back any longer – contact us now to schedule a consultation and embark on your path to a fresh start.


Speak To Our Specialists Today...

Speak to our laser tattoo removal specialists today and take the first step towards achieving the clear skin you desire. Our dedicated team of experts are here to listen, understand your unique needs, and provide personalised solutions tailored to your specific situation. Whether you're looking to remove an unwanted tattoo or simply seeking advice on the process, our specialists are committed to guiding you through every step of the journey with care and expertise.

Don't let your tattoo hold you back any longer – contact us now to schedule a consultation and embark on your path to a fresh start.

A person is getting a tattoo removed from their arm.

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Laser Tattoo Removal...

A person is getting a tattoo of a heart on their wrist.

Tattoo laser removal is a transformative process that offers individuals the opportunity to rewrite their skin's narrative. Utilising advanced laser technology, this procedure breaks down the ink particles embedded in the skin, gradually fading the tattoo over multiple sessions. At our clinic, we specialise in tattoo laser removal, offering a safe and effective solution for those seeking to erase unwanted ink. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalised care, ensuring each client receives tailored treatment plans based on their unique skin type, tattoo size, and ink colours.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and commitment to client satisfaction, we strive to make the tattoo removal journey as comfortable and successful as possible. Say goodbye to regret and hello to a fresh start with tattoo laser removal at our clinic.


Eyebrow Tattoo Removal...

A woman is getting a laser treatment on her eyebrows.

Eyebrow tattoo laser removal is a specialised procedure designed to correct and remove unwanted or poorly executed permanent makeup from the eyebrows. Using precise laser technology, this process targets the pigment particles within the skin, breaking them down and gradually fading the tattooed eyebrows. At our clinic, we understand the importance of natural-looking eyebrows and offer tailored solutions for eyebrow tattoo removal. Our experienced technicians carefully assess each client's unique situation, taking into account factors such as pigment colour, skin type, and desired outcome.

With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we strive to deliver safe, effective, and comfortable eyebrow tattoo laser removal, allowing clients to regain confidence in their appearance and achieve the brows they desire. Say goodbye to the past and hello to a fresh, natural look with eyebrow tattoo laser removal at our clinic.


Laser Tattoo Removal...

Tattoo laser removal is a transformative process that offers individuals the opportunity to rewrite their skin's narrative. Utilising advanced laser technology, this procedure breaks down the ink particles embedded in the skin, gradually fading the tattoo over multiple sessions. At our clinic, we specialise in tattoo laser removal, offering a safe and effective solution for those seeking to erase unwanted ink. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalised care, ensuring each client receives tailored treatment plans based on their unique skin type, tattoo size, and ink colours.

With our state-of-the-art equipment and commitment to client satisfaction, we strive to make the tattoo removal journey as comfortable and successful as possible. Say goodbye to regret and hello to a fresh start with tattoo laser removal at our clinic.

A person is getting a tattoo of a heart removed from their wrist.
A woman is getting a laser treatment on her eyebrows.

Eyebrow Tattoo Removal...

Eyebrow tattoo laser removal is a specialised procedure designed to correct and remove unwanted or poorly executed permanent makeup from the eyebrows. Using precise laser technology, this process targets the pigment particles within the skin, breaking them down and gradually fading the tattooed eyebrows. At our clinic, we understand the importance of natural-looking eyebrows and offer tailored solutions for eyebrow tattoo removal. Our experienced technicians carefully assess each client's unique situation, taking into account factors such as pigment colour, skin type, and desired outcome.

With our expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we strive to deliver safe, effective, and comfortable eyebrow tattoo laser removal, allowing clients to regain confidence in their appearance and achieve the brows they desire. Say goodbye to the past and hello to a fresh, natural look with eyebrow tattoo laser removal at our clinic.


Competitive Pricing...

At Oxford Laser Clinic, we take pride in offering unbeatable value to our clients. That's why we guarantee to beat any local price for tattoo removal services. Not only do we strive to provide the highest quality treatments, but we also understand the importance of affordability. Our competitive pricing ensures that you receive top-notch care without breaking the bank. With us, you can trust that you're getting the best deal in town while still enjoying exceptional results. Say goodbye to your unwanted ink with confidence, knowing that you're getting the most value for your money. Contact us today to learn more about our competitive pricing options and take the first step towards a tattoo-free future.


Frequently Asked Questions...

  • How does laser tattoo removal work?

    Laser tattoo removal works by targeting the pigments in the tattoo with highly concentrated light beams. These beams break down the ink particles into smaller fragments, which are then naturally removed by the body's immune system over time.

  • Is laser tattoo removal safe?

    Yes, laser tattoo removal is generally considered safe when performed by trained professionals using FDA-approved laser technology. However, there are some risks involved, such as potential for skin irritation, hyperpigmentation, or hypopigmentation. Your practitioner will discuss these risks with you before treatment.

  • How many sessions are typically needed for tattoo removal?

    The number of sessions needed for complete tattoo removal varies depending on factors such as the size, colour, and age of the tattoo, as well as your skin type. On average, most tattoos require multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results.

  • Does laser tattoo removal hurt?

    While everyone's pain tolerance is different, many people describe the sensation of laser tattoo removal as similar to being snapped with a rubber band. Your practitioner may apply a topical numbing cream prior to treatment to help minimise discomfort.

  • Can all tattoo colours be removed with laser treatment?

    Laser tattoo removal is most effective on dark ink colours such as black and blue. However, newer laser technologies have made it possible to effectively target and remove a wider range of colours, including red, green, and yellow.

  • Can laser tattoo removal also remove eyebrow tattoos?

    Yes, laser tattoo removal can be used to remove eyebrow tattoos as well as tattoos on other parts of the body. However, it's important to seek out a practitioner with experience in removing eyebrow tattoos, as the skin in this area is more delicate and requires special care.

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